"The Getaway" & "The Getaway: Black Monday" - PlayStation 2 (PS2)

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Glitches in The Getaway

Shortcut Glitch
MISSION 24 - Land Of Hope And Glory
Character: DC Frank Carter
Mission Briefing: Escape From The Sol Vita
Info: After the FMV sequence you start the mission on top of a platform. After you climb down the ladder there is an explosion behind you which takes down the ladder and platform you just climbed down, blocking off that way as a means of escape. To your left there is a path you can go down but once you get close enough to it there is another explosion which brings that platform down as well, again blocking off your path which is supposed to force you to turn around and go through the only path left which will take about a minute to get through. However, if you find the right spot you can take a nice shortcut and snip sixty seconds or so off your escape route by walking (or rolling) straight through the blockade (the collapsed platform from the explosion) making the mission incredibly easy, since it is only hard due to the short timeframe you are given to get to the outside deck of the ship before Charlie Jolson's finger comes off the (explosive's detonator) trigger. It works everytime, it's just hard sometimes getting the right spot but even a few tries to get through is still much quicker than having to go through the warehouse section and being slowed up by having to dispose of the remaining gang members who refuse to stop fighting despite the looming prospect of being blown sky high.


Firetruck Glitch
MISSION 15 - Disturbance In Soho
Character: DC Frank Carter
Mission Briefing:

A weird glitch that happened to me during Mission 15. I noticed one of the firetrucks kept dissappearing from view all of a sudden and then it would be visible again. It got weirder though, as soon as I pressed circle to get in the car, the roads and buildings dissappeared from view and
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