"The Getaway" & "The Getaway: Black Monday" - PlayStation 2 (PS2)

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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mission 11 Cars

Mission 11 - "The Prodigal Son"

PART 1- Mission Briefing: Escape From The Basement With Yasmin

After escaping from the basement with Yasmin you can exit the building 2 different ways.

Front Exit:

Go through the door that is straight ahead of Mark.

Outside there is a white Lexus LS430.

If you fail the mission you restart here and the door is now shut.

Rear Exit:

Go up these stairs and make your way out.

Once outside you will see the same white Lexus LS430 found at the front entrance.

There is also the Saab 9X Concept Car.

NOTE: If you fail the mission you will restart at the front entrance and the rear exit will be inaccessible.

PART 2 -

Driving along Birdcade Walk on route to Charlie Jolson's mansion.

Go through the gap in the fence.

Mark and Yasmin will both fit inside.

Although it's bullet proof it is quite fragile when it comes to crashes. It is also rather slow.

NOTE: The gun turret cannot be used in mission mode.


Once inside Charlie Jolson's mansion you will come to a staircase which leads back up to ground level. There is a door straight ahead which leads outside but if you turn around and walk to the left of the stairs you just came up you will find a door leading into a garage.
At the top of these stairs turn around and walk to the left of the staircase.

On the left is a door that leads into a garage.

Inside is a TVR Cerbera.

NOTE: Because the garage door remains shut during this mission you are not able to drive the car anywhere (you can in Mission 12 though).
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